Thank you for the privilege to offer the Holy Mass on behalf of your loved one. Please take a moment to provide the information here. Available Mass dates and times are provided for you by the Front Desk Staff Member. Some Sunday Masses are not available for multiple intentions. Daily Masses (M – F) are available only for one intention per Mass per day. If the date you request is already filled or unavailable, the Front Desk Staff will provide you with another available date.
REQUESTOR’S CONTACT INFORMATION: Please provide your contact information below. If there is a problem, change, or question regarding your request, we will contact you at this information. If we cannot contact you prior to the Mass Date, we will reschedule your request. You must provide either a phone number and/or email address that you check often.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be happy to send the person/person's family a beautiful card with the date and time of your request. Only one card per recipient, please.