Want to become Catholic?
The desire for God is written on the human heart (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 27).
Have you arrived at the conclusion that this desire for more, this desire for a deeper love can only be fulfilled by God?
If you have arrived at this conclusion, if you are ready to dive deeper into relationship with our God, of which there is no greater love... then please click the button below.
After speaking with the pastor, if a person is not a baptized Catholic, he or she is joyfully accepted into formation to become a disciple of Christ.
This is a special time for a person who has decided to actively seek the Lord.
In the Church, we believe such formation is only possible in community, particulary as part of our parish family. And so the individual knows they are not alone in their journey, they will choose (or be given) a mentor from the parish to accompany them in:
At a certain point in one's formation, however long it may take, he or she should conclude that baptism is the next appropriate step -- to be washed clean of original and personal sins, to be filled with the grace that has been lacking, to be called a child of God, and to join the communion of saints.
In this phase of formation, the individual writes his or her name in the Book of the Elect, to signify one's desire to be baptized.
If the individual has already been validly baptized in another Christian faith, he or she will be asked to make a Profession of Faith, accepting belief in the Faith of the Church.
Being numbered among the Elect, the individual enters the season of Lent -- a time of prayer, purification, and penance -- in preparation for full initiation into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Part of this prayerful season are the three scrutinies, celebrated on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent.
This phase includes the more immediate preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. A one-day retreat on Holy Saturday will take place as a final preparation for full initiation.
At the Easter Vigil, one is welcomed into full initiation in the Catholic Church, beginning the final phase of this formation process -- traditionally known as "Mystagogy."
Having been raised to new life through Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation, the individual is given time to be in awe of what God has done.
It is also an opportunity to connect the newly initiated member into the life of the Church, specifically into the life of our parish family.
If you would like to become a team member or a mentor, helping others along the journey,
please call us at 985-641-6429.